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2024-08-18 00:00 UTC - 02:00 UTC

Local time: Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 17:00 PT

Zulu time: Sunday, August 18 2024 at 0000Z

Type of aircraft: general aviation, possibly helicopters too

Event type: DIRECT

Event title: Discovery Flight

Number of pilots: 12+

Flight rules: VFR unless weather is IMC, some pilots may choose to do a IFR route


If you are a ZOA Controller, login to bid a position for this event.
Event Info
  • Name: TPC VFR Event (FAT-SJC)
  • 2024-08-18 00:00 UTC - 02:00 UTC
  • Total Shifts: 22
  • Available Shifts: 18
  • Shifts Bid: 4