Bonaga, Michael

MHHS '21 / Athletics Leadership Chair / MHHS Leadership / MHHS Basketball Team / MHHS Swim Team / 2018-2019 CASL State Board Alumni / Avaliable to Train students, Mondays and Wednesdays, 12-8pm, and sometimes weekends (dependent on work schedules), 12-8pm.

Csernai, Kornel
Controller has not provided any information about themselves.
Dellaert, Philippe

Joined ZOA mid 2023 and a mentor since May 2024. Available most evenings (Pacific) from 7pm till 11pm to train OBS for their S1 rating on OAK. 

Can always be found in the VATUSA and Oakland ARTCC Discord servers for feedback and questions.

Active member of the FlyByWire Simulations as Event Management, DevOps Lead and Moderator.

Glottmann, Josh
Controller has not provided any information about themselves.
Go, Giovanni

IRL pilot based out of KPAO/KSQL

Joined VATSIM 2020; vZOA Spring 2023; Mentor Jun 2024

Available for S1 training on most weekday evenings

Greim, Ken
Controller has not provided any information about themselves.
howard, mathew
Controller has not provided any information about themselves.
Nguyen, Dominic
Controller has not provided any information about themselves.
Peterson, Douglas

Your control, DP

Been with ZOA 2017. Training administrator 2020-2023. Generally available for training between 10 am and 7 pm weekdays. Other times by arrangement.

Salikhov, Maxim
Controller has not provided any information about themselves.
Selder, Andrew

Andrew comes to ZOA after a long (12ish years) break. Previously, he cut his teeth in the KC ARTCC.

Andrew also serves as the assistant web master and a mentor for ZOA. When mentoring he's, generally available weekday evenings, and sporadically on weekend.

Tedesco, Matthew

Came to ZOA back in the 2000's, then life got in the way. 10+ years later I have returned, ZOA just couldn't keep me away. Real life aviation enthusiast, part time virtual controller. Educated in the art of Aerospace Engineering.

General Availability:

Weekdays: 3PM - 8PM

Weekends: 10AM-5PM

Other times by arrangement (shoot me a DM)

Warn, Josh

Joined VATSIM February 2003 - Joined ZOA May 2020 - Joined ZOA Training Staff December 2021

S3 - Mentor

Current Training Availability:

All training up through Tier 1 TRACON

Daily (varies): 0700 pst - 1900 pst (Updated 4/1/24)

Young, Rowan

Open weekdays until 8. Saturdays and Sundays until 5. Available online at