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2024-02-19 23:00 UTC - 03:00 UTC

In accordance with CPS-002 2.3.6 solo endorsements are not authorized for use during events. Exceptions must be approved on a case by case basis by the Training Administrator.

There are so many airports with commercial service in the United States, but pilots often focus on the large hubs, such as Denver, Dallas, Atlanta, or Chicago. On February 18 from 2300z to 0300z (6pm - 10pm ET), we're going to feature some of the airports around the US that have plenty of commercial service, but are often neglected. VATUSA is proud to partner with SimWorks Studios for this edition of Hidden Gateways. SimWorks Studios will be giving away two aircraft to pilots who fly into or out of an event field during the event duration, and one aircraft to a controller participating at an event field (or the overhead center) for more than two hours. More information to come.

Featured Fields:

  • Charleston (CHS)
  • Corpus Christi (CRP)
  • Fresno (FAT)
  • Spokane (GEG)
  • Green Bay (GRB)
  • Indianapolis (IND)
  • Macon (MCN)
  • Norfolk (ORF)
  • Chicago/Rockford (RFD)
  • Fort Myers (RSW)
  • Santa Barbara (SBA)
  • Springfield (SGF)

Slot 1: 2200-0200z, featuring RSW, IND, ORF, AVL, MKE, CHS
Slot 2: 0000-0400z, featuring SBA, CRP, FAT, GEG, GRB*, SGF

Shift 1: 3-5PM PT (2300z-0100z)
Shift 2: 5-7PM PT (0100z-0300z)

If you are a ZOA Controller, login to bid a position for this event.
Event Info
  • Name: Hidden Gateways (KFAT)
  • 2024-02-19 23:00 UTC - 03:00 UTC
  • Total Shifts: 18
  • Available Shifts: 13
  • Shifts Bid: 5