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2023-07-07 23:59 UTC - 04:00 UTC

*This is a support event, staff what you want, SMT is authorized*  

After a 10 break Denver Live is coming back to a ZDV ARTCC near you. On July 7th from 2359z-0400z, ZDV will fully staff Denver, Centennial, and Springs for this epic event. There will be ground stops, holds and a lot of traffic, so make sure you save the date, and do not be late for Denver Live!

Event Fields: KAPA,KCOS,KDEN
Event Date and Time: July 7th 2023, 2359-0400z

If you are a ZOA Controller, login to bid a position for this event.
Event Info
  • Name: ZDV Support: Denver Live
  • 2023-07-07 23:59 UTC - 04:00 UTC
  • Total Shifts: 0
  • Available Shifts: 0
  • Shifts Bid: 0