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2023-02-19 01:00 UTC - 05:00 UTC

San Francisco International Airport (SFO) being the busiest of those airports, is the largest airport in the San Francisco Bay Area and the second-busiest in California, after Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). In 2017, it was the seventh-busiest airport in the United States and the 24th-busiest in the world by passenger count. NCT is the 3rd busiest TRACON in the US. Come and enjoy the staffing of the best of the bay!!  Cya there!!

Airport: SFO!!

Date/Time: Feburary 18, 2023, 5-9pm PT
Date/Time (zulu): Feburary 19, 2023, 0100z-0500z

Signup: https://forms.gle/uuBfYvaGRXNaut2D7

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Event Info
  • Name: SFO Overload #SayYesToSFO
  • 2023-02-19 01:00 UTC - 05:00 UTC
  • Total Shifts: 0
  • Available Shifts: 0
  • Shifts Bid: 0