The following procedures have been updated/created and require you to acknowledge the changes:
- Delegates ZOA jurisdiction over air traffic control services at PKWA airport
Class D Towers SOP
- Standardized verbiage across different ATCTs
- Removed special VFR procedures
- Add explicit requirement for NCT towers (+CCR) to issue TEC routes
- Added taxiway delegation between GC/LC where relevant
- Added multiple runway crossings procedures where available
- Added procedures for PKWA
1-5 Equipment and Radar Procedures- Added a listing of airports which may be simulated to lack FDIO provided all controllers agree to it
1-6 IFR Procedures- Add procedures to getting clearance from overlying sector when simulating lack of FDIO
- Add 2 min release time window for NCT towers/CCR and 3 min release window for ZOA
- Added procedures for coordinating arrival information for all towers that require it (CCR, CIC, MER, TRK, PKWA)
- Added requirement to coordinate cancellation/arrival for all IFR aircraft at certain airports (APC, CCR, CIC, LVK, MER, RDD, STS, TRK, PKWA)
- Clarified which towers DO NOT receive handoffs for IFR/VFR arrivals from the overlying sector (APC, CIC, MER, RDD, STS, TRK, PKWA)
- Added restriction for towers under ZOA to only be able to clear aircraft for a visual approach if they are on an instrument approach and below 2500 AGL
- Added restriction for towers under NCT to only be able to clear aircraft for a visual approach if they are on an instrument approach and below 6000 AGL
- Clarified NCT towers having the authority to use tower-applied visual separation within 10 nm and 6000 AGL of the airport
- Added requirement to ZOA towers/CCR to have each use of tower-applied visual separation approved by the overlying sector
1-7 VFR Procedures- Changed requirement for towers with radar displays to only enter flight plan information and radar identify aircraft when they are requesting flight following (rather than always)
APC- Removed runway 24 as a calm wind runway (only 19L/R are calm wind runways now)
- Added LAHSO procedures for runway 24
- Changed OZIEE DP altitude assignment to be 5000 (same as the rest of the DPs)
- Clarified that the default missed approach procedure is the published missed and that visual approach go arounds shall be instructed to enter the pattern
CCR- Removed runways 14L/R as calm wind runways (only 19L/R are calm wind runways now)
- Added VFR-on-top procedures
- Added procedures for aircraft requesting VFR patterns
CIC- Changed interim altitude to FL230 instead of 8000
- Added requirement for successive departures to be established on 45 degree separated courses before communications transfer to center
HWD- Added requirement for tower to protect IFR arrivals to OAK Runway 30 while they are transiting the HWD Class D
- Added note about instructions given to right crosswind departures to remain outside of OAK Class C
- Added alternate missed approach headings which can be used with coordination
LVK- Added headings that can be issued to visual approach go arounds rather than remaining in the pattern
MER- Added additional authorized headings for departure/missed approach which can be used with coordination
- Added requirement for NCT to forward arrival information when simulating lack of FDIO
MHR- Added additional authorized headings for departure/missed approach which can be used with coordination
- Changed initial altitude assigned for northbound props/turboprops on a 360 heading to 2000 (instead of 4000)
MOD- Added additional authorized headings for departure/missed approach which can be used with coordination
- Changed interim altitude to 6000 (instead of 7000)
- Simplified heading assignments
NUQ- Added additional authorized headings for departure/missed approach which can be used with coordination
- Added NCT control in NUQ Class D airspace 2000 and above during SFOE/SJCE
- Added procedures for delegating Lake/Amphitheater airspace extensions to PAO
- Added altitude restrictions to be issued to PAO VFR arrivals
- Changed heading to be issued from runway 32 to 345
- Updated interim altitude assignment to always be 3000
- Updated runway 32 missed approach heading to be 345 and maintain 3000
PAO- Added ground control responsibility to provide advisory service to aircraft in non-movement area and suggested phraseology
- Added NCT control to enter PAO Class D for IFR arrivals to SQL
- Added procedures for requesting Lake/Amphitheater airspace extensions from NUQ
- Added preferential VFR departure/arrival routes
- Added instructions to issue to VFR aircraft that will transition the NUQ Class D airspace
- Updated initial DP to be assigned to be the appropriate ODP (direct SJC VOR) (previously a heading)
- Updated missed approach assignment to be published missed
RHV- Added HENCE ODP as available procedure for departing runway 13
- Added GC responsibility to provide advisory services for non-movement areas
SAC- Added NCT control of 2000 ft and above within SAC Class D
- Added additional authorized headings for departure/missed approach which can be used with coordination
- Added initial VFR departure headings
- Updated missed approach altitude to 2000 (instead of 1700)
SCK- Added NCT control of 2000 ft and above within SCK Class D
- Added additional authorized headings for departure/missed approach which can be used with coordination
- Updated initial heading assignments
SNS- Removed runway 31 as a calm wind runway (only 26 is a calm wind runway now)
- Update additional authorized headings for departure/missed approach
SQL- Added GC responsibility to provide advisory services for non-movement areas
- Added preferential VFR departure/arrival routes
STS- Added LAHSO procedures for runway 2
- Clarified that the default missed approach procedure is the published missed and that visual approach go arounds shall be instructed to enter the pattern
TRK- Updated interim altitude assignment to be 13000
The latest copies of each document are available on the website. Additionally, you can find a new reference sheet for the Class D airport procedures on the Downloads page. If any of the changes are unclear to you, please ask a member of the training staff.
After you have reviewed these changes, please respond to the poll in the Discord message linked below to confirm your currency. Note that per ZOA CPS-001 if you do not acknowledge notification of changes to procedures for positions you're certified for within 2 months of today, you will be considered inactive.